“The power under the constitution will always be in the people. It is entrusted for certain defined purposes, and for a certain limited period, to representatives of their own choosing; and whenever it is executed contrary to their interest, or not agreeable to their wishes, their servants can and undoubtedly will, be recalled.”

~ George Washington (1787)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Thoughts and Commentary

This came from www.inspireandignite.com, a site with good thoughts and commentary.  There's more  below the fold.

Have you been following the primaries? It's hard not to since they have been the main focus of the news for weeks.
With gas prices skyrocketing, foreclosures up, millions out of work, nanny state regulations soaring and Iran and Israel about to start WWIII, diverting our attention is about the only way the Obama fan club can protect their president.
But, there are a couple of things of interest from the recent primaries. One of the most liberal Democrats in the House lost his primary in Ohio and a Republican lost her primary for not being conservative enough. President Obama running unopposed in the Democratic primary in Oklahoma only got 56% of the vote…think he'll carry the state in November? 
The GOP presidential race has proven one thing…Gov Romney has yet to win the hearts of conservatives. His single biggest liability is Romneycare and if he's nominated, cannot win in November unless the Supreme Court declares Obamacare unconstitutional this summer, removing it as a campaign issue this November.
Whatever happened to shame?
Shame used to be a powerful tool in maintaining reasonable community standards but the self esteem movement has removed the concept of shame as a means of discipline. We wouldn't want little Johnny too feel badly about his disastrous choices it might damage his delicate self esteem.
But recently liberals resurrected the concept, telling Rush Limbaugh he should be ashamed of the language he used to describe a young single woman demanding that we pay for her contraception.
The student from Georgetown University essentially advocated that, because she enjoyed a sexually promiscuous and polygamous lifestyle, we as a community should endorse her choices by underwriting her $1000 a year contraception needs. And President Obama said her parents should be proud of her stand.
Even though Limbaugh has apologized…acknowledging he had lowered himself to the same level as his accusers by name calling, some advertisers left the show. 
While Limbaugh's language was crude, they chose to shame him and praise her…talk about misplaced indignation! 
Did you know the fastest growing area of fraud and abuse in the federal government is the area of disability payments?
With many people running out of unemployment benefits, they are turning to the disability laws to continue to drain money from the public coffers. 
Don't misunderstand, there are real needs in this area, and as a community we should be willing to support those needs…but fraudulent claims will bankrupt the system.
The flim-flam artists among us…and by that we mean those lawyers running ads on TV claiming that for a slice of the pie, they can prove to the government's satisfaction that even Olympic athletes should be drawing disability payments.
Their ads remind me of the flim-flam man from River City…the character from the classic Broadway musical selling non-existent musical instruments to unsuspecting parents. 
Surely you remember his sales pitch…"Why there is trouble right here in River City, and that starts with 'T' and that rhymes with 'D' and that stands for disability." Shouldn't we expect more from the legal profession?
Have you noticed it costs nearly $50 to fill your gas tank today?
Gas today is more than twice what it was when President Obama took office. He has told us there is no silver bullet to fix the problem. He insists there's nothing he can do to help the situation.
Of course he has advocated for our gas prices to mirror European costs (today that's $9 a gallon). He has advocated for a carbon tax which he has admitted will cause our energy costs to"sky rocket" and has vowed to kill the coal industry. He vetoed the Keystone Pipeline project which would make Canadian oil available to counter the OPEC monopoly. His Energy Secretary has testified before Congress that the administration doesn't mind $5 per gallon gas. All of this is done to support his green energy theology.
One question…if this is his record and he is facing re-election, what will he do to gas prices if he has four more years without any accountability to the voters?
Have you heard that Obamacare costs have grown an additional $111 billion since last year?
The administration buried the surging new Obamacare cost estimates in the details of the 2013 budget they submitted to Congress, hoping no one would notice…unfortunately (for the administration), conservatives found the buried numbers. The sad thing is this cost growth is happening even before the program is fully implemented and gives lie to the administration's claim that Obamacare will pay for itself. 
Unfortunately, this kind deception is not unusual for professional politicians…the lack of integrity is truly bipartisan. For example, do you believe Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are sustainable? Your politicians are promising you they are.
Do you believe the current debt and deficit problems facing American can be resolved without pain? Your politicians are promising you the fixes will be painless.
Anytime you can find a candidate…liberal or conservative that will look you in the eye and tell you the truth while asking for your vote…you can be sure he's not an incumbent!
What is the deeper cause behind the tragic assassination of Afghan civilians last week? The answer is politically correct senior military leadership.
The Army and the Marine Corps have borne the brunt of the insanity of the Middle East ground war for more than a decade…many of our career soldiers have been sent back into the war zones over and over again.
These deployments have overstressed our fighting forces…and the senior military leadership knows it…but rather than stand up for the men and women they lead…they acquiesce to an ignorant political class for the sake of their own careers.
The young man accused of these crimes had suffered a traumatic brain injury on a previous tour…yet he was found fit to be sent back to Afghanistan…needs of the service supercede the serviceman's best interests.
General McChrystal sacrificed his career to defend his men and tell the President his Afghan policy is a fool's errand. His example may not have stopped the foolishness…but unlike his contemporaries, he isn't complicit in it.
Is $10 a gallon gas in our future?
The answer is probably…there is a much greater possibility that it will hit $10 a gallon before it hits $2 a gallon.
Lost in the midst of the clamor to shut down speculators and the Middle East drama and the calls to "Drill, baby, drill!" is an insidious cause not being addressed in the cacophony…and it is directly the responsibility of this administration.
Have you heard of our monetary policies called QE I and QE II? These policies authorized the printing of trillions of dollars of paper money with nothing to back it up.
The result is that the U.S. dollar has been greatly devalued around the world. The OPEC counter is charge more for each barrel of oil to compensate for the weak dollar.
Many responsible voices have warned these policies would cause inflation and the current pain at the gas pump will infiltrate the economy. This is just the beginning of the problems this reckless monetary policy will foster.
Should the White House have the authority to tell the church what to believe?
Of course not, the first amendment protects the church from the state. However, recent events shed an interesting light on the current White House desire to control church dogma.
Cardinal Dolan recently released a letter sent to this administration asking for clarification concerning the contraception controversy. In the letter, he reveals the White House told the church that there would be no further conversation on the issue and…listen closely as the Cardinal quotes White House sources…the church should listen to the "enlightened" voices of the administration.
It has been recently revealed the President's team intends to recruit a hand picked team of Catholic teachers to counter the official position of the church on this and (presumably) other matters that cause the White House pause.
Hitler used similar tactics in Nazi Germany to control the message of the church. The biography of the martyr Dietrich Bonhoefer confirms the grisly results of this kind of state intrusion.
What's going on with gas prices? 
We haven't seen the worst yet…and it's not just gasoline, but every fossil fuel energy source.
While the president may feign concern publicly because he fears voter backlash if the prices stay high and increase inflation throughout the economy…he has very clearly stated that it is his intention to raise American energy costs so high that we are forced to embrace his costly and inefficient green energy plan.
In the President's own words, "Under my plan of cap and trade electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." He also declared war on the coal mining industry, threatening to bankrupt them.
And, his Energy Secretary is quoted as saying, "Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gas to the levels in Europe."
At today's prices that would add nearly $8500 per year in gasoline expenses alone to every household in America.
Does an Ivy League education make you book smart and common sense stupid?
Do you remember when President Obama promised us that his healthcare reform plans would save us money?
Initially he said the program would cost less than $1T. That promise has long since been proven as accurate as the other promises he's made the American people.
Just two weeks ago we learned that he had added $111B to the cost of Obamacare in his 2013 budget submission to Congress…but that just a mere pittance compared to what we learned from the Congressional Budget Office last week. This independent agency just announced their findings on the rising cost of the president's health plan…they project the cost will rise by more than $1T during the first 10 years (double the original estimates used to sell the plan).
Thankfully, Obamacare will be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court this summer, thus saving the taxpayers trillions of dollars supporting a massive socialist public fraud. Obamacare and Global Warming belong in the same landfill with all the other "Big government knows best!" frauds of history.