Action Alert Topic: Vote NO on House Bill 2612
See for details concerning this bill.
Membership Action Needed:
The Freedom Foundation, the source most widely used by Tri-Cities TEA Party Board and Legislative Committee urgently request that all Tri-Cities TEA Party members voice their opposition to HB 2612!
If you send an email, it is recommended that the Subject line or the first line in the body of the email state: "You are receiving this because of your position on the General Government Appropriations & Oversight Committee."
As a citizen of the State of Washington and a member of the Tri-Cities TEA Party, I strongly disagree with HB 2612, and request that you and the respective General Government Appropriations & Oversight Committee members kill this bill! HB 2612 is not pro-minority; it's pro-lawyer and pro-election chaos! This bill would result in countless lawsuits against cities and counties, tying up elections in the courts and costing local government money they can ill-afford to spend defending election results! Election quality issues should be dealt with in the redistricting process or by the legislature, not by a judge in the middle of an election! Carving out special privileges for certain voting groups is a dangerous road to follow.America has always aspired to be a "melting pot", not a nation of fragmented and suspicious groups!
Description: Bill HB 2204 would require counties to accept voter registrations right up to 5 p.m. onElection Day. The current deadline is eight days before an election, allowing county staff time to verify both the accuracy and the legality of the registration information.
Please Contact these Legislators in Nearby Districts:
District 8 (North Benton)
Rep. Brad Klippert, R (360) 786-7882
Rep. Larry Haler, R (360) 786-7986
District 9 (Franklin, Adams, Whitman, Garfield and South Spokane)
Rep. Susan Fagan, R (360) 786-7942
Rep. Joe Schmick, R (360) 786-7844
District 16 (South Benton, Walla Walla and Columbia)
Rep. Maureen Walsh, R (360) 786-7836
Rep. Terry Nealey, R (360) 786-7828
Please contact these Legislators on the General Government Appropriations & Oversight C ommittee:
Representative District Email Address Phone Number
Moscoso, Luis (D) Vice Chair 1 (360) 786-7900
Fitzgibbon, Joe (D) 34 (360) 786-7952
WWTPP note: I gave this bill a once-over, and I suggest that you do the same. But, in essence, the bill sets the standards for "racially polarized voting" and "voting dilution", following from the impacts of case law from the Federal Voting Rights Act. If nothing else, it sounds like a Federal intrusion into state matters without the Federal government lifting a finger. If there has been any racially polarized voting in Washington, let me know here, and I'll post it on the blog and Facebook.