An excellent and informative session tonight. Mr. Glen Morgan of the Freedom Foundation discussed property rights and other issues pertinent to our county. Mr. Morgan lives and works in Thurston County, where he has a tree farm, is active with the Farm Bureau, school boards, and other forms of local politics.
The event was not recorded, which is a pity, as Mr. Morgan is an effective speaker, and spoke long, giving many examples of how Agenda 21 and so-called "environmentalists" are slowly eroding our property rights.
And property rights are fundamental to our freedoms. The Founding Fathers recognized this, and provided for the right of private property ownership in the Constitution. Land is the basis of all wealth. Third World nations don't have private property, and hence bad economies.
The single best piece of advice that he offered was identifying who our greatest enemy is: apathy. People simply aren't paying attention to local politics, where most of the erosion of property rights is taking place. Get people aware and involved in local elections, and change is possible.
The Freedom Foundation is working to train activists around the state, and Mr. Morgan will be conducting such training on Wednesday, September
12, 9 AM to 12 Noon, at The
Father's House, 304 N. 2nd Street. He will lead our discussions
as we look toward America's future and election 2012. Topics to be
discussed include: Get Out The Vote strategies and how to effectively
testify at public hearings.
Some links provided by Mr. Morgan: