Walla Walla Tea Party Patriots Present
A Triumph of Principles!
Award-winning actor, author, and historian, Dr. Bob Basso, America's "Thomas Paine," visits Walla Walla September 25th.
Join us for a fast-paced seminar, featuring Bob Basso and his popular portrayal of one of America's Founding Fathers, Thomas Paine. This information-packed program will energize and inspire you to continue to fight to take back America!
Join us for a fast-paced seminar, featuring Bob Basso and his popular portrayal of one of America's Founding Fathers, Thomas Paine. This information-packed program will energize and inspire you to continue to fight to take back America!
Saturday, September 25th
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
First Assembly Church of God
1919 Fern Avenue
$10 donation appreciated
Additional seminar speakers include:
Michael Coffman: scientist, activist, & author of Rescuing a Broken America: Why America is Deeply Divided & How to Heal it Constitutionally.
* For additional information, click here: http://www.rescuingamericabook.com/
* For his Face Book page, click here: http://www.facebook.com/RescuingAmerica
Sharon Hanek: accountant, community volunteer, wife, mother & citizen activist focusing on educational research.
* For additional information, click here: http://www.sharonhanek.com/
* For additional information, click here: http://www.sharonhanek.com/
Jane Milhans: political consultant, strategic planner, & trainer for Get Out the Vote.
Ken Morse: Olympia Tea Party organizer, bio-remediation expert, & business owner.
"The price of non-involvement means the end
of our sovereignty and the dawn of a newer, weaker, bankrupted nation."
~ Dr. Bob Basso